Behold Queen Aryia, "Chani"
Chani was sold to a lady I was mentoring to be a breeder. When she decided to sell out and quit, I bought this girl back. I am so happy. She is one very beautiful poly paw silver tabby girl
I am calling her Chani (pronounced Shawnee) which in Hebrew means "One Favored by God"
"Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!" Psalm 90:17
She is a nice girl although has become a bit bossy with some of my other girls. But she is a big and heavy girl and very lovely! I am most in love with her. I have tried putting other girl's babies in with her and she adopts them instantly. She owns my heart. The photo on left is when she was young and before babies. Once hormones take over, coat falls out and weight disappears. But she carries both pretty good and is one big chunk of a girl!

SIRE: Behold the Joy-of-the-Lord "Joyson"
Silver mackerel tabby
DAM: Behold Your Name is Victory PP, "Victory"
Silver mackerel tabby, poly