Items for Sale
We have various items that we sell, if anyone has interest. If you see something you like, then send me a note on email, Give me your email and I will send an invoice for you to pay. We can either mail them to you or you can pick up here at our home (if you live local or have a kitten to pick up for instance). We have a page of handmade kitty blanket/quilts, so if interested there, just write down the number from the tag and we will add it to your order.

This is my book. If you want a signed We buy medium airline approved soft
copy, they cost $25 plus $4 shipping carriers. If you have need we resell them
(media rate) for $75. Various colors and brands
We sell a 5# bucket of frozen raw meat, but will We have a few American fur beds
not ship it. Only for pick up. This is for someone still available. My cats have use of
who is not sure they want to make and then feed most of them. They fit into a Vari-Kennel
a raw feed diet. $35 100 size carrier. $25